Tornitura Sud


Tornitura Sud S.r.l. was founded in 1998 as a company operating in the precision mechanical machining sector.It has its headquarters in Viale delle Industrie, 35/37 in Casavatore (NA) Over the years, investing in technologically advanced machinery and valuable human resources, it has achieved an important position in the sector. In 2020 it moved to the new headquarters in Casavatore (NA), implementing its own fleet and optimizing the corporate layout.

Today the company is equipped with cutting-edge equipment both in the production sector and in company management, constituting an important business reality in the area. Reliability, dynamism, respect for the environment and above all safety in the interventions, as well as a continuous updating, contribute to best meet the explicit and implicit needs of the customers. In order to meet the customer's requirements, the Company carries out accurate checks and tests in every production phase. The pre-assembly and visual / dimensional checks, followed by all types Certification of materials are routine activities. The organization operates in a highly competitive market and has acquired high levels of organizational and technological quality over the years.


Being together is a beginning, staying together is progress, but being able to work together is a success.
(Henry Ford)

It is in this spirit that we all work together to achieve success!